Agenda para el viernes 31 de enero
6:45 am: Reflexión Corazonista
Today, January 31, we will work as follows:
Good morning!!! Have a happy day!!!!
Uniforme de deporte
Math: Reading review of numbers from 1 to 20.Trace and write the numbers words. |
Matematicas: Lección 3 Orden de los números. |
Social Studies: Types of communities. Notebook activity. |
English: There is - there are (Interrogative) Interactive activity 66223920/there-is-there-are-interrogative- mister-al%c3%ad |
Danza |
Lengua Castellana: Actividad: Orden alfabético, en cuaderno. |
Religión:We will continue reflecting about the frienship value. We will work on a copy to practice whar friends are and do |
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